bout The Book
This is a romance, a travel adventure, and a discovery book. In it, Dr. Martin describes his travels worldwide to study and photograph these exquisite trees. He presents his findings and over 200 color photographs in this 168-page book. Arbutus is the scientific name for the genus of which there are three species in the eastern hemisphere and eight in the western. Madrone or Madrona is a common name for many of the trees, and it is applied to the Arizona, Texas, Baja, Canary Island, and Pacific types. Of the 15-chapter book, eight are given on individual species, one on a hybrid, and seven on the Giant Madrones, which grow in the Pacific Northwest. The seasonal color change, shedding of bark, tortuous growth, distinctive flowering, beautiful berry formations, and evergreen leaves are all attractive features of these trees. You will discover their beauty, learn their uniqueness, and smile at anecdotes and laugh at many of Dr. Martin’s misadventures in this quest.


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